Retroshare symbol
Windows logo


RetroShare for Windows is also availabe on chocolatey with automatic updates.


Apple logo


RetroShare is currently available for OSX in version 0.6.5 only. Note: the packaging and compilation is not ours. It's been made automatically using Travis-CI. On OSX-10.14.2, one has to install libnettle using Brew:

   $ brew install libnettle
In order to use Retroshare over Tor, just do:
   $ brew install tor

MacOSX Package: RetroShare_v0.6.5.dmg

Checksums: checksum.txt

GNU/Linux logo


On most GNU/Linux distributions Retroshare is available along with standard packages, so you should check before on your preferred package manager if current RetroShare version is installable from there. If RetroShare is not available on your package manager or the available version is outdated you can find detailed instructions for each distribution we have tested down in this page.

ALT Linux logo

ALT Linux

Retroshare is independently maintained on ALT Linux.

Android logo


We maintain an experimental RetroShare for Android package on F-Droid which only provides chat.

Android experts may also be interested in trying development snapshots from the RetroShare Android builds by G10h4ck channel to give us feedback and hopefully submit patches. We strongly discourage the usage of development snapshots on a non development device.

AppImage logo


If none of the distribution specific options fits your setup you should try AppImage. Take care of selecting the one which match your CPU architecture (use x86_64 if you are unsure). We expect those AppImages to work on most GNU/Linux distributions.

Arch Linux logo

Arch Linux

We distribute current Retroshare for Arch Linux through our OBS repository. To add it you can use the following commands:

#1 wget
#2 pacman-key --add network_retroshare_Arch_Community_standard.key
#3 echo '[network_retroshare_Arch_Community_standard]' >> /etc/pacman.conf
#4 echo 'Server =' >> /etc/pacman.conf
#5 pacman-key --finger "network OBS Project <>"
#6 pacman-key --lsign-key "network OBS Project <>"
#5 pacman -Sy
#6 pacman -S retroshare-gui

Alternatively you can use the package independently maintained on AUR.

CentOS logo


We distribute current Retroshare for CentOS through our OBS repository. To add it you can use the following commands:

#1 rpm --import
#2 wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/retroshare
#3 yum update
#4 yum install retroshare-gui
Debian logo


We distribute current Retroshare for Debian through our OBS repository. To add it you can use the following commands:

Determine your Debian version, OBS builds RetroShare packages for Debian 8.0, 9.0, 10, Testing and Ustable:

#1 export DEBIAN_VERSION="9.0"

Add RetroShare OBS as trusted packages repository:

#1 wget -qO -${DEBIAN_VERSION}/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -
#2 sudo sh -c "echo 'deb${DEBIAN_VERSION}/ /' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/retroshare.list"

And then install RetroShare with the following commands:

#1 sudo apt-get update
#2 sudo apt-get install retroshare-gui

Or look for more RetroShare packages with the following commands:

#1 sudo apt-cache search retroshare

If you can't find a proper package for your Debian version/architecture or you encounter problems installing or using the packages, we suggests you to try the RetroShare AppImage or Flatpak instead.

Fedora logo


We distribute current Retroshare for Fedora through our OBS repository. To add it you can use the following commands:

#1 sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=$(rpm -E %fedora)/network:retroshare.repo

And then install RetroShare with the following commands:

#2 sudo dnf install retroshare-gui
Flatpak logo


If none of the distribution specific options fits your setup you should try Flatpak. Follow the istruction on Flathub, we expect those to work on most GNU/Linux distributions.

Gentoo logo


RetroShare is officially distributed along with Gentoo standard packages. You can instal it with the following command:

#0 emerge -avq net-p2p/retroshare
Mageia logo


We distribute current Retroshare for Mageia through our OBS repository. To install you can use the following commands:

#1 urpmi.addmedia retroshare
#2 urpmi.update -a
#3 urpmi retroshare-gui
openSUSE logo


We distribute current Retroshare for openSUSE through Open Build Service. To add the openSUSE Retroshare repository first look for the correct version on our OBS repository, once you identified it you can add it using zypper for expample for openSUSE Tumbleweed you could use the following command:

#1 zypper addrepo -f retroshare

Once you add the correct repository you can install Retroshare and receive updates with the following commands:

#1 zypper refresh security
#2 zypper install retroshare-gui
Raspbian logo


We distribute current Retroshare for Raspbian 10 through our OBS repository. To add it you can use the following commands:

#1 wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
#2 sudo sh -c "echo 'deb /' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/retroshare.list"

And then install RetroShare with the following commands:

#1 sudo apt-get update
#2 sudo apt-get install retroshare-gui

If you use another Raspbian version/architecture or you encounter problems installing or using the package, we suggests you to try the RetroShare AppImage instead.

ROSA Linux logo

ROSA Linux

Retroshare is independently maintained on ROSA Linux.

Slackware logo


RetroShare is independently packaged for Slackware.

Ubuntu logo


We distribute current RetroShare for Ubuntu through our OBS repository. To add it you can use the following commands:

#1 source /etc/os-release
#2 wget -qO -${VERSION_ID}/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -
#3 sudo sh -c "echo 'deb${VERSION_ID}/ /' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/retroshare_OBS.list"

Then install RetroShare with:

#1 sudo apt-get update
#2 sudo apt-get install retroshare-gui
Void Linux logo

Void Linux

RetroShare is independently packaged for Void Linux.

FreeBSD logo


Retroshare is independently maintained on FreeBSD freshports system.

Tar.gz logo

Source Tarballs

As always we honour our Free as in Freedom software for a Free Society stance, so you can download the source code from the following links: